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How an Anti Static Mat Works

If you are considering investing in an anti static mat for your workers, it's important to understand how these products work. Our range of ESD mats are designed to create a safe environment in the workplace by utilizing innovative modern anti static technology, making them some of the most reliable options available. But how do our ESD products effectively protect you, your workers, your equipment, and your facilities from the risks of electrostatic discharge?

At their core, anti static mats are simple yet highly beneficial pieces of equipment. They work by dissipating static electricity upon contact, neutralizing electrostatic discharges to help maintain a static-safe environment that is comfortable for both your workers and equipment.

One common question we receive is about the purpose of an anti static mat and why it is worth investing in ESD matting for your workers. Put simply, an anti static mat is a specialized matting solution designed to prevent damage caused by electrostatic discharge to your workers, components, and nearby facilities. Users typically need to be grounded through the mat using a wrist strap and cord set, along with an earthing kit, to ensure increased worker safety.

ESD matting is distinct from ESD flooring as it is not a standalone flooring solution. Instead, an ESD mat is placed on top of existing flooring to provide protection for individuals working with electrically charged components and equipment. Additionally, ESD mats can be used on table tops to offer ESD protection while working on static sensitive components.

These mats are available in various forms, with some specifically designed for use with different surfaces in addition to flooring. For instance, an ESD table mat is a popular choice as it can convert any table or bench into a safer workspace.

We hope this information helps you better understand the functionality and benefits of anti static mats.
