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Setting Up an ESD Protected Area

If you are looking to establish an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protected area within your workplace, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. Here is a brief overview of what you will need:

1. Determine the appropriate amount of space required for your ESD Protected Area (EPA). It should be neither too large nor too small to maintain an effective static safe environment for your employees.

2. Ensure that all individuals and equipment within the EPA are properly grounded. Essential ESD products include an ESD bench mat, grounding cord and coiled cord, ESD wrist strap, and Earth Bonding Plug. These items are necessary to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the EPA.

3. Display an ESD awareness sign and provide instructions for proper use of the area to inform all visitors about the necessary precautions to protect themselves and the surroundings.

It is important to utilize various ESD products to enhance the safety of your workers and equipment. Our inventory includes a wide range of ESD equipment, such as ESD t-shirts, ESD clothing, ESD matting, and more. We are committed to helping you create a secure static safe environment or ESD protected area.

For more information on our products and how to establish your own ESD protected area, please contact us today. We are dedicated to assisting you in safeguarding your employees and equipment.
