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What an Electrostatic ESD Protected Area (EPA) actually is

An EPA is a designated area within a business or property where static sensitive items can be used safely. These areas can vary in size, from small workstations to larger spaces set aside for specific manufacturing purposes. There is no specific size requirement for creating an EPA, but it is important that the area is equipped with the necessary ESD products to make it safe for use.

Within the EPA, there must be a static field of no greater than 100v to prevent electrostatic discharge. This low static field ensures that all products stored and used within the area are protected from potential damage. Additionally, all objects and surfaces within the EPA are maintained at the same electrical potential, including people working within the environment, to further prevent electrostatic discharge.

In essence, an EPA is a space equipped with ESD products and protections to minimize the risks of electrostatic discharges causing harm to personnel or equipment. These areas can range in size and may include portable work surfaces or mats, depending on the requirements of the environment.
